Yep, my article is on page XX and I had a blast interviewing and seeing other quilters with a passion for all things quilty. A passion that runs so deep that sometimes the misplacement,
or just -gotta- have- it multiplies into a mountain of quilt stuff. It's all about pack rat quilters which gave my curiosity a run for it's money wondering how many people have zillions of the same quilt item or who collects what. It all started when I basically gutted my sewing room and did a major redo/re-organizing of it and found that I owned over 50 pairs of scissors....
my, my...OH MY, just way to many to own.
The Quilters Home magazine with my article is on the news stands NOW.
(and to see my sewing studio/off redo, just click here and here and here)
As quilt instructors, we teach with all we have inside of us hoping upon hope that our students are filled with our knowledge of what they need to know to be happy appliquers. Whe have invested our time bonding to our students and watching their applique project grow throughout class. Then, class is over and we may never see what they have gone on to do. I cannot tell you how happy I am when a student comes to a symposium, retreat, guild or quilt show with a project they learned from me a year or years ago. I am tickled when I open an email reading their beaming words and so proud to show me their completed quilt. I thank all of you who remember me me and remember to show me those once littles baby quilt tops that grew into a beautiful quilt!
Doris Woodward from Florida, emailed me her completed "Tippy Toes" quilt from a class I taught to her guild. Doris' grand daughter named her Spacie Luna and I love the label Doris made, waiting for Mackenzie to write her story!
Betty Hamernik from Bentonville,Arkansas emailed me a pic of her "Roses" quilt titled, "My love is like a Rose" after purchasing my Bended Bias Applique book and asked permission to enter it in a show, which got juried into AQS Knoxville Quilt Show. Fingers crossed for you Betty!!!!
Nancy Rogers emailed me her finished Bended Bias Butterflies quilt after taking a class with me in South Carolina! So proud of you Nancy!
Mindy brought her finished Dancing with the Dolphins quilt to my class in Maryland
from a class she took with me at MAQ 2 years ago in Maryland. AWESOME WORK MINDY!
Grand Baby Gabriella's First Birthday
Where has the time gone? One year ago we waited with anticipation for her arrival and here she is already looking like a little person. Her tiny features are developing, her personality is calm and serene, she loves to take things apart while studying it and then she tries to put it back together.
We secretly believe she already knows how to text messages from watching her parents! Happy birthday my little sunshine and brightest part of my world!