So....what have "you" got in store to learn in 2010 that you didn't get to in 2009?
Hope and dreams are born from within the heart and mind. But we forget to write them down. Get a a pad and do it, yes....write it down. Now, prioritize it. What exactly can you achieve today or tomorrow without an extra expense that will procrastinate that vision. You most likely have beads, buttons or sparkly stuff around the house. No need to buy those "blue buttons" when the red ones will do. You have to just try your vision to get in the groove of playing. When you are in that groove and have trained yourself to "play", then you can go out an get those "blue buttons". Make sense?

Our minds can play tricks and make us procrastinate with any excuse. I have made a goal to play at least 3 times a week, if I get to it twice a week then that's ok. I will not make myself crazy with trying to be perfect. One of my goals for February is to do stuff with my sewing machine feet. I have them, but never used them all. What a pity, shame on me...but now I am going to play and learn and make mistakes and laugh and just have fun!
So....what have "you" got in store to learn in 2010 that you didn't get to in 2009?
Hope and dreams are born from within the heart and mind. But we forget to write them down. Get a a pad and do it, yes....write it down. Now, prioritize it. What exactly can you achieve today or tomorrow without an extra expense that will procrastinate that vision. You most likely have beads, buttons or sparkly stuff around the house. No need to buy those "blue buttons" when the red ones will do. You have to just try your vision to get in the groove of playing. When you are in that groove and have trained yourself to "play", then you can go out an get those "blue buttons". Make sense?

Our minds can play tricks and make us procrastinate with any excuse. I have made a goal to play at least 3 times a week, if I get to it twice a week then that's ok. I will not make myself crazy with trying to be perfect. One of my goals for February is to do stuff with my sewing machine feet. I have them, but never used them all. What a pity, shame on me...but now I am going to play and learn and make mistakes and laugh and just have fun!

March 24-27th
Lancaster Convention Center
Did you know that you can have your hubby, significant other, relatives or friends buy you an AQS gift certificate? What a "great" hint or outright suggestion to give them....nice incentive to take an AQS class with any one of the great instructors they have, or for that matter...with me...wink wink!...now isn't it?
CLICK HERE to see the gift certificates
CLICK HERE to see all about AQS' new show in Lancaster
Here are my classes that I will be teaching in Lancaster.
Now....if you register for a class with me and read it on my blog,
email me and I will be bringing you a little treat just from me!
March 24-27th
Lancaster Convention Center
Did you know that you can have your hubby, significant other, relatives or friends buy you an AQS gift certificate? What a "great" hint or outright suggestion to give them....nice incentive to take an AQS class with any one of the great instructors they have, or for that matter...with me...wink wink!...now isn't it?
CLICK HERE to see the gift certificates
CLICK HERE to see all about AQS' new show in Lancaster
Here are my classes that I will be teaching in Lancaster.
Now....if you register for a class with me and read it on my blog,
email me and I will be bringing you a little treat just from me!

Well just remember the words in the photo below....give it a try, I promise you'll walk out an appliquer and "love it". Really.

Finally got to post the quilt I made for my sweetie for Christmas. I collected all kinds of fish fabrics for a year and used a simple layout. I started this in November and whizzed my sewing machine like a mad woman to get this done for the holiday.
He LOVED it and cuddles under it every night. Now that is so satisfying to me!

well, you get the picture!

And to help me with my time crunch, Terri Lucas,a professional quilter in NY did the quilting for me. Thank Goodness and thank you Terri. Click on her name to go to her blog....it's a great, fun blog! Teri is a darling, funny person and I'm glad I met her.

This year I have begun the "organizing of my Office/Studio and what an eye opener it has been. My mantra that I have stuck by is: "Do I need it or Do I want it".
It started as an overwhelming task, but once I said my mantra over and over while weeding through papers,supplies and all sorts of stuff, it got easier. I gave a lot to my local charities, I have loaded baskets up to give to my guild members at the "FREE, please take it table", I have listed read books on Amazon to sell and have made enough to purchase Maple overhead cabinets to be installed next month.
January is my Organize it month and it feels LIBERATING!!!
**Next month I will show you the overhead cabinets and the sewing area in the room!**
Cluttered desk

This was my biggest headache. It disturbed me every time I looked at it. At first, I thought those colored holders were good, but I had to dig deep and didn't know where anything was

Big improvement! At least in the baskets I could put things in there like a file would be. Easy to see.
Much better!