I am going to take a gamble and think that I am not the only one that gets a little tired of the winter? I do love the winter, but it has some tiny drawbacks...now notice I did say the word "tiny". I am a person that NEEDS color in her life. I can find it anywhere really....magazines, blogs, fabric....but I cherish the colors that Mother Nature gives to us and just lately the skies have been so grey, the daylight ends much to quickly for me and I think I will just chalk this up to some Winter Blues! I love my camera and it goes everywhere with me when I travel or just go outside. I also love taking pictures of juicy colors that I find. This picture I took in Venice, Italy. I loved how they arranged this window and I started to think of how easy a quilt could be made from this. All I would need to do is dye some white gloves and applique them down. Has anyone ever made a quilt with real gloves?? Would love to hear if you have! ~Linda