Sneak Peak at my Newest Fabric Line
I am just giving you a little peak today and my next posting will be the entire line in all the color ways, blenders, stripes, over all, tosses etc.
(If you are going to Market, be sure to see it all at Avlyn's Booth"

2 Quilt Guilds in different states, only one week apart, picked the same class and I just love it every time I see their faces perk up as they progress into this splendid wall quilt or table runner!

The quilter's home (HUGE) where the workshop was held had a stained glass she had made over the sink. We both could see how wonderful this would be in Bended Bias!

Sometimes I like to fiddle with filters and liked the
black and white soft effect I did.

The class "Modena" was developed after I taught in Italy for Quilt Italia. I was walking the streets in Modena and saw such beautiful balconies. Almost all my quilts are inspired from something I saw during travel!

Yep! I found another sewing tattoo.
You can see more here and here.
Oh! and...here (Seems sewing is a popular tat)