When I first saw this quote, my first thoughts were "How sad". But instantly I reversed that thought and began to rework it in my mind. It actually is a wonderful quote. So what exactly does a child survive to be a creative adult? Not all creative adults lack self esteem or criticisms, but many do. The survival of adolescence, self doubts and self worth is a magnificent feat. You may not know you survived them and they still may linger inside of you, but pushing forth all of that magnificent and wonderful energies that keep you creative, make you worthy. The word would be less colorful without you.We all survived being that awkward child trying to find their inside passions, but as creative adults we did survive that.Keep at it, keep creating, keep making wonderful things that make "you" happy and the world, and your surroundings will be much better for it!
I love anything that is free flowing. Taking a pencil to paper and just effortlessly drawing long winding lines. That is how I begin almost every design I do. I can't think things out to death or have a preset plan of what I will draw or design. It comes from within. I never know what the end result will be and that is what makes designing exciting for me. The beginning of this skinny quilt is in it's infant stages. Nothing sewn down and more to go and I can feel this simple quilt will be delightful to teach in the future. Being sort of a perfectionist on what I show, I decided to let that go. In my perfect world you would see everything appliqued in place, stems tucked under vines without extra seam allowance fabric showing before I trim and applique, but today I let that go and wanted to share what has been making me happy. Of course I will show the finished quilted piece when done.
I love when creative people take something you use for an obvious reason and make it into something you didn't think possible......
I have a fascination with crop circles. I am much more interested in their designs than if aliens landed . OK, to be truthful, I am a little curious about the talents these extraterrestrials have. I see some wonderful designs to be used in quilts...who would have thought aliens as our muses?
Have you been to my Quilt/Art page on Facebook yet? I invite you to join...just click on the link and it will take you to where you need to be!

(Quilt Guild Program Chairperson's...my teaching/lecture brochure is there)
.....and on the right side of my blog is a link to take you to my regular face book page.....see ya there and I am so appreciative you stopped by!
I LOVE......
...big things are about to happen...
oh...and it's my birthday month...
Who doesn't like birthdays?
Oh come on now...birthdays area good thing....seriously.
You get to celebrate another year of
stepping stones
and moving forward.
Your a little bit wiser and that's a good thing!
Happy September everyone!
What I am reading:
And a big side note: