My Book Give-Away Winner Announced!!!
How exciting is this??? Last week I was featured as a guest blogger on Quilting Gallery and I had a book give away, not one but two books. All that was needed was for someone to post a comment on how many scissors and pincushions I owned. As promised, today is March 1st, the day to post the pics of the scissors and pin cushions and announce my winners!
The answer is 45 pairs of scissors
and the winner is Sherelyn Nichol of Houston, TX who will receive an autographed copy of my book "Quilted Fairie Tales"
How exciting is this??? Last week I was featured as a guest blogger on Quilting Gallery and I had a book give away, not one but two books. All that was needed was for someone to post a comment on how many scissors and pincushions I owned. As promised, today is March 1st, the day to post the pics of the scissors and pin cushions and announce my winners!
The answer is 45 pairs of scissors
and the winner is Sherelyn Nichol of Houston, TX who will receive an autographed copy of my book "Quilted Fairie Tales"

Creative Prompt Doodle
Check it out and come join us at Jaye's blog or click on the COW link on my sidebar!!!
My Doodle for the word "Excitement", well I chose to use the word "excited"

I had to share my most favorite fabrics "of the moment"....YUM YUM YUM!!!They are so different, but I love them equally. I wonder what I will make with them....hmmmm. The flower and leaf fabric on the left is "The Lindsey Collection" by Karen Montgomery for Timeless Treasures Fabrics.The stripey and fish fabrics are fat quarters and the name idn't on the selvage. If you know the name....PLEASE let me know!

Laptop Pillow by IF. Check it out!

Your Color Fix For Today