My quest to find these AWESOME Sewing and Quilt themed cakes all began with an email from my friend Diann. She sent me a pic of a sewing machine cake and I got that fever to find more cakes to show everyone. Yes, we create art when we sew together a quilt, but look at these artists that create art with the cakes they make! I am so inspired by these. Enjoy! I know I did!!!
My quest to find these AWESOME Sewing and Quilt themed cakes all began with an email from my friend Diann. She sent me a pic of a sewing machine cake and I got that fever to find more cakes to show everyone. Yes, we create art when we sew together a quilt, but look at these artists that create art with the cakes they make! I am so inspired by these. Enjoy! I know I did!!!

This cake was made as a surprise for this creator's mom to match the quilt her mom made. WOW! What a gift.

Cake Central Yummy Cake Company Delightfuleasweet The Cake Cow Loopy Lace Taste of Honey Cakes Cakes by Dom Oggyscakes Coolest Birthday Cakes Random Static

I can't tell you how much fun I have when I write this blog and bring you some outstanding "different" themes related to quilting. If you have something out of the ordinary that you would like to share, email me (linda@lindampoole.com) and I will find a place for it right here.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your day.....go create something, be it little or big!
Many thanks,