Something Brand Spankin' New...
Oh Yeah!!! This is something brandy new being announced to the world right now, right's my newest class and newest pattern.OWLS!!!WooHoooo It's not out in the world right now as I still have to quilt it, but I couldn't wait to show you. I am looking for a name...if you have a suggestion, my ears are open....cause I need a really good name for them.
Always have and always will. I was looking over most of my quilts, patterns and classes and found a common thing....WINGS!!! Butterflies, Dragonflies, Ladybugs,Birds,Owls,Fairies, Angels....WINGS!!! I just love em'. Here are just a small smattering of some winged things I have done.

MORE Patchwork Furniture
Just when I thought I found "all" of them, more turns up! Can ya believe it? I found this at