Everyday Quilt Designs
I saw these tiles while shopping in The Villages in Florida.
I saw these tiles while shopping in The Villages in Florida.

My friend Joyce owns QUILTING ADVENTURES Quilt Shop. It makes me crazy when my time is limited, I could have spent all day looking around. Her shop is HAPPY and loaded with all kinds of goodies for every type of quilter. I highly recommend you stop in when in Richmond, VA.
Joyce has a blog too!!!

I thought it would be great fun to do something different for "Your Color Fix for Today" for my February Valentine's Day/Month post. Usually I have all kinds of different, vibrant colors, but I thought it would be fun to post "Red/Pink" things we all use in our sewing room. I hope you enjoy it ! I'll resume back to the regular color fixes after this post.....but all in all, I think these colors will get your mojo going too! Let me know!
Who knew there were red sewing machines? Makes me want to have one now!

Hope you leave a comment, it makes my day! Where's the comment area you ask? It's in very little letters that say "Comment" underneath this post!
And I leave you with these pictures. That's my little Zoie with her few last Frisbee tosses while waiting for the "big snow" that starts tonight. I try to exercise her as much as possible while she can still see above the snow!