I just can't do it this year. Seems every year I sit with this blank sheet staring at me as I firmly grip my pen waiting to write miraculous recoveries for my life.
Believe me when I tell you that I want to write amazing awesomeness, but I always regress to the good old standby's....lose weight, eat healthy, exercise blah blah blah. Resolutions work for alot of people, and I commend those that can sincerely write them down and follow through,or at least try.
Me? I have this inner self that fights things when I have to do something that I know it right, but now it's written down with a deadline. Not for me. Why? Because my life changes minute to minute. Deadlines loom, creativity muses knock on your door when they feel like it and if I have to walk a certain amount of steps in....say the morning and Ms. Creativity Muse has a different agenda for me, and well....I will agonize about not meeting a resolution goal and feel bad about it to distraction.
I do the best I can everyday. I am more of a list maker and some may say that I make daily resolutions. I say, it My To Do List and it's just the nature of the beast for being in business for myself.
Oh I do have goals for sure, but they aren't resolutions. I just don't "do" resolutions well and I am good with that. I now can breath easier knowing I will not be making them.
What I have been working on...
The last quarter of every year is devoted to designing, writing and making new quilts for the upcoming year's classes. I have loved making each of these new quilts and here is why:
I have named this quilt "A Bunch of Happy" because that is exactly how it made me feel through every process of making this quilt.My objective in this class is offering the students a choice of making the pattern provided in their kit or teach them to create their own happy bouquet by rearranging the flowers. Layering flowers on top of other flowers provides for interesting new flowers and that's a bonus!

I was at a loss for a quilt title, so I asked on Facebook for suggestions. They were all awesome...seriously! I decided to go with "Hearts United" given by Cecelia Cushing. My technique is machine quilting with glue-stick and wash away sheets. Everything I do can be applied with freezer paper, but I really like wash away sheets (soon to be available through me on my website store being relaunched mid January). The objective in this class is to take the fear out of points, believe me, your points will be pointy and curves will be curvy! Pick your favorite word or name or monogram and I will teach you to have it inked on your fabric in no time!

"Hearts Desire" can be a table-runner or turn it vertically for a skinny quilt. I wanted to create something fun and whimsical with just enough going on without being overwhelming.I love teaching anything with bias tape and in your class kit comes all the pre-made fusible bias tape but I will teach you to make your own designer bias tape. (Who knows, maybe you want something with lots of color in it!)
The Hummingbird isn't exactly new, but I did a redo of the quilt and I think it is one of my loveliest class offerings.
I also have worked hard on creating my PDF brochure to post online to make it easier for quilt guild program chairs or show chairs to view. Here is the first page of the brochure.....well, you get the idea!
Can I ask you share it with your quilt guild? :-)
Some Fun Now......
YES..I really own these!
I found these at the pharmacy while waiting for my prescription. (My pharmacist wears these too) I love these and I can't tell you how much it helps when I am sewing hand work or reading at night.
So, my curiosity got the best of me and I went searching for what other lighted accessories were out there. Why can I see myself getting these for the fun of it?
Nov. '11 I went on creative retreat with some good friends. I don't know how they hid this from me, but they threw me a red neck wedding reception. (Yep...I tied the knot Sept '11) Yes...a dime store wedding gown for me and they all dressed in thrift store prom/ball gowns. I have been sworn to secrecy to never show these pictures...but here is one of the consumed bottles of wine with my private label...hence the play on words "Bridlewood".
I love these chairs...not just for their colors but I can imagine how comfy these feel!
I do wish each and everyone of you the most joyous, beautiful,peaceful, loving, healthy and creative year EVER! Happy beautiful 2012.
Thank you for stopping by..I would love for you to leave a comment, join this blog and share my brochure with your program person...a girl can hope, wish and dream...and dreams do come true....right? (big smile)