I was also humbled and grateful to have amazing students in my workshops which were sold out. I have made some nice friends all over the country!
"Color Me Beautiful" workshop in Phoenix, AZ
Quilt Guild of Greater Houston, Houston TX
Out on a Limb Workshop
Golden Needles, Conroe, TX
"Whimsey" workshop
Pelham Quilters Guild, Pelham NY
Color Me Beautiful workshop
Phoenix, AZ
Little Bird workshop
Phoenix, AZ
Little Helpers workshop
Doing the All Star review at the AQS show in Phoenix
Quilting Sisters Retreat Cruise to the western Caribbean
And what am I doing now? Making workshop kits. 270 of them for my classes through April and May.
Some of the things that brighten me to no end are when my students are so excited to send me pictures of their workshop quilts. I get tickled. It's like the grand kids came home for a bit!
So, for the next couple months, if you are in the area....come take a workshop with me or say "HI"!
Best places to see a good photo of the classes is on my website under "classes"
Are you coming to the NQA show? I have some awesomeness happening there in my classes!
Till the next time.......do something you have never tried....you may just surprise yourself!
If you are interested in booking me for a lecture/workshop....write me an email